Senior DevOps Engineer, Prescient Co
- Start: 2019-10-01
- End: 2020-06-30
- Location: Kraków, Poland
- Company: Prescient Co
- Team: IT Department
- Position: Senior DevOps Engineer
It was independent position, connecting IT and Development + QA. My main work areas included:
- consultancy of dev part of DevOps processes for IT Department (understanding requirements, cooperation with architects)
- technical leadership for several DevOps engineers who were working closely with software developers; mostly around CI/CD and infrastructure
- maintenance, improvements and deployments for some parts of production systems, for example PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch in ELK stack, HashiCorp Consul and Vault
- creation of Infrastructure-as-a-Code foundations for MS Windows and Linux bases systems running on VMware clusters, mostly using Ansible
- maintenance of local Azure DevOps (former Team Foundations Server - TFS) instance, improvements of build and deployment pipelines
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